Now that the Holidays have come and gone Matt and I have decided that 2010 is going to be the year of home improvements. We bought an older house back in March and had done some cosmetic changes to it last year but nothing to substantial.
Now that we are settled in we are ready to make some bigger changes. This all started with our new cedar fence. I was a little skeptical to let this be our first big money sucking project but in the end I am glad we did it. We are now able to let Lexie stay outside and hunt for squirrels. I don't have any pictures of the fence yet but I will work on getting those put on here.
Our next project was to rip out carpet in our third bedroom and lay down new flooring. We saw this laminate wood at Sams Club a few weeks ago and just loved it. It really looks like the real stuff. So, I get a call at work from Matt at 10:20 Friday morning asking me if I wanted to start on the floors that night. i reluctantly said yes!
We have never removed carpet or installed flooring before so I knew this was going to be quite the task. Matt on the other hand was very confident in our abilities. we ripped carpet out Friday night and worked from 11-4 on Saturday to get the laminate laid. We were exhausted! We still have some molding to add but other than that we are finished. I just love how it turned out.
After 10 attemepts we finally got the first row straight.
We are headed to Amarillo this weekend to see Matt's family and see my sister play basketball at WT. I am so excited to see my sister Hannah! I miss her so much. And since this post would not be complete without a picture of Lexie here she is excited to go back to Amarillo!
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